The Wycombe Grange
The Wycombe Grange
56 Amersham Hill
High Wycombe
HP13 6PQ
01494 445815
The Wycombe Grange is our Alternative Provision (AP) school in High Wycombe, catering for permanently excluded students and students at risk of exclusion in the South of Buckinghamshire.
Students come to us for a short period of time while we work with them, their families and their mainstream school, to identify strategies that will help them manage their emotions and be successful at school. Sometimes our assessments indicate that mainstream is not the right place for a student, and in this case, we will work with them, their families and the local authority to help them move into a specialist setting.
Our aim at The Wycombe Grange is to help students rediscover a love of learning, to help them learn and use strategies to regulate their emotions and manage their behaviour, and to help them identify and work towards a positive destination for their next steps in education and life.
TWG Leadership
Jake Brindley - Interim Head of School
As our Director of Learning, Jake has excellent experience in leading curriculum in alternative provision as well as special education. His leadership experience started as the Head of KS4 and subsequently the whole of secondary, being responsible for Teaching and Learning across two alternative provision schools. He joined Aspire in January 2022 as the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Lead for Shortenills and in September 2022 became the Head of School for Shortenills. From April 2024, Jake will take on the role of Interim Head of School for The Wycombe Grange. He passionately believes in relational practice and that all children, regardless of background, deserve quality first teaching. He is currently working towards his NPQH.
You can contact Jake Brindley on 01494 445815, or via
Mark Collins - Deputy Head of School and SENDCo
As the Deputy Head of School and SENDCo, Mark brings extensive experience in education and a deep commitment to supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities. With a Science teaching background of almost 20 years, he is committed to raising pupil outcomes and driving school improvement. Working closely with the Head of School, Mark is eager to drive strategic initiatives, enhance the overall educational experience, and promote a positive school culture. He is passionate about fostering a safe, nurturing and inclusive learning environment that enables every student to thrive.
You can contact Mark on 01494 445815, or via