SEND at Aspire
The overwhelming majority of our students have special educational needs or disabilities.
At Aspire, our aim to "build strong foundations and open new doors" applies to children with SEND in exactly the same way as those without. We ask "what is best for this child?" and "how can we make that happen?"
Jack Gibbs - Director of Inclusion
Jack has previously been the Head of a SEMH special school and various inclusion and SEND leadership roles including Deputy Headteacher, Executive SENCO and autism resource base manager. He has helped schools to gain and maintain outstanding grades from Ofsted and receive accreditation from the Makaton Charity and the National Autistic Society. Jack has an MA: Education and MSc: Psychology; is a qualified teacher (PGCE); SENCO (PGNASENCo) and headteacher (NPQH). You can contact Jack via jgibbs@aspireap.org.uk or via our contact page.
We have a named SENDCo or Senior Leader responsible for SEND at each of our schools:
- Aylesbury Vale Blueprint: Sarah Hassell shassell@aspireap.org.uk
- Chiltern Skills & Enterprise Centre: Hannah Eley heley@aspireap.org.uk
- The Wycombe Grange: Mark Collins mcollins@aspireap.org.uk
- Shortenills: Natalie Griffiths ngriffiths@aspireap.org.uk
- Orchard House: Jack Gibbs jgibbs@aspireap.org.uk
SEND policies and documents