Alternative provision - Pupil Referral Units (PRU)
Our Alternative Provision, or PRU schools, offer short-term placements for students who have been permanently excluded, or who are at risk of permanent exclusion.
We have three AP schools, or PRUs, one in the north and two in the south of Bucks. These are short-stay schools for students who have been permanently excluded or who are at risk of exclusion.
Students come to us for a short period of time while we work with them, their families and their mainstream school, to identify strategies that will help them manage their emotions and be successful at school. Sometimes our assessments indicate that mainstream is not the right place for a student, and in this case, we will work with them, their families and the local authority to help them move into a specialist setting.
Our aim in all our AP schools is to help students rediscover a love of learning, to help them learn and use strategies to regulate their emotions and manage their behaviour, and to help them identify and work towards a positive destination for their next steps in education and life.
Click on the images below to find out more about each school.
Information for Schools
Please see our Referrals and Charges page for up to date information on the cost of our service, our Service Level Agreement and how to make a referral.
Please see our Policies page.