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Aspire Alternative Provision

Aspire Medical Provision

Supporting children and young people who cannot attend their mainstream school due to medical and/or mental health needs.

Aspire Medical Provision (AMP) supports children and young people with medical and/or mental health needs which prevent them from attending school full-time. AMP covers the whole of Buckinghamshire and is made up of Home Tuition, Orchard House and the Stoke Mandeville Hospital Teaching Service.

All AMP referral require a medical note from a doctor, CAMHS or paediatrician evidencing that the child cannot attend their mainstream school. 

For information on services with AMP, please click on the images below: 

Home Tuition Service

Orchard House 

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Teaching Service 



Further information 

All staff within AMP employ a broad range of skills and techniques to help children and young people re-engage with learning and build up confidence and self-esteem so that they are able to return to their school community.

We also work closely with multi-agency colleagues from Health, CAMHS and other teams within the Council.

Pupils educated by Home Tuition range from 4-16 years, while onsite provision is for 11-16 years. As the provision is part-time and, ideally, short-term, most pupils and students are dual registered with their own mainstream or special schools.

AMP provides direct teaching and support with reintegration back into school or to another destination, as well as offering advice to schools on how particular medical and mental health conditions may impact on a pupils’ behaviour and attainment. All pupils and students with an Education, Health and Care Plan have a learning plan to support their education and reviews are regularly held with parents/carers and pupils, home schools and multi-professional colleagues.

Head of AMP

Polly Kempson - Director of Safeguarding & Head of Aspire Medical Provision


Polly is a school leader with experience in both the mainstream and special education sector. Before joining Aspire she had been on the senior leadership team of an outstanding specialist provision for children and young people with neurodisabilities for six years. She gained her NPQSL in 2020 and sat as the chair of the Pdnet Home Counties Group between 2017 and 2022.

Information for schools

Please see our Referrals and Charges page for up to date information on the cost of our service, our Service Level Agreement and how to make a referral. 

All AMP referral require a medical note from a doctor, CAMHS or paediatrician evidencing that the child cannot attend their mainstream school. 

Student attainment and achievement will be continually monitored and academic and SEMH progress is captured. Schools and families will receive the following reports during their placement:

  • A short report at the end of the Autumn term for all year groups
  • Year 11 students will receive a long report at the end of the Spring Term
  • A short report for Year 7-10 students at the end of the Spring Term
  • Year 7-10 will receive a long report at the end of the Summer Term

All students will study core subjects (English, Maths, Science) and additional subjects will be covered in discussion with the parents/carers and referring school, taking into account the professional recommendation of the medical practitioners. As a result, timetables will be individual and the amount of timetabled provision will vary depending on the medical needs of the child.



Please see our Policies page.